Choosing the Best Door Lock for Your Home: |
Remember the three "D's" of Burglary Prevention:
DETER: Good locks with security strikes installed are a deterrent since they eliminate the opportunity for an easy burglary.
DETECT: The possibility of detection is increased if you can force a burglar to work where he will be observed. A burglar wants to avoid drawing attention by making noise such as breaking glass. While alarms are great ways to detect a burglar, quality deadbolts and locks on doors help prevent intrusion. Watchful neighbors alert to unusual activity who will notify law enforcement are also an effective means of detection, so get to know your neighbors! DELAY: Delaying a burglar for four minutes is generally considered sufficient to prevent entry into a home. A burglar wants to avoid being caught, so the longer it takes to force a door or window open, the greater his risk. It is nearly impossible to make a house impregnable, but it is relatively easy and inexpensive to make forced entry difficult and delay the burglar. By keeping in mind the principles of Deterrence, Detection, & Delay you will be more likely to deny the burglar access to his target. If you want advice or assistance for your home or office, Lock Jock is ready to help. Call us at 985-898-3500 and speak with one of our state licensed locksmiths to schedule a consultation. |
Residential Security
What is the best way to protect your home from an invasion? It all starts with quality deadbolts and installation by a security professional at Lock Jock.